Community Council Terms and Conditions
Background Check:
If you are over 18, Build 2 Lead will require a background check. We will not discriminate or rule out candidates with past criminal charges. We will be working with youth and young adults and need to ensure our candidates can pass the same background checks all youth serving organizations must pass to work in our local school districts. Factors that will result in a denied application are:
- Pending cases
- Felony charges in the last 5 years.
- Charges that fall under the umbrella of violating underage residents or sexual violence/harassment.
- Violent Felony charges within the last 5 years.
- Charges related to any hate crimes or fraud.
Each application is a case-by-case basis. If you have something in your background, Build 2 Lead leadership will contact you to discuss the matter and make an informed decision after our conversation.
Incentives for our community council are based upon on participants attendance to meetings, engagement during our monthly meetings, and overall performance in working with your group. You will not receive your monthly financial incentive if you miss the meetings without any communication to Build 2 Lead leadership. You will not receive the monthly financial incentive if you have not been engaging with your group and if you have not added any contributions to our monthly meeting. We hope this work inspires you to truly engage with us and feel empowered to step into your potential and or current position as a community leader.
Political and Religious Disclaimers:
Members of our community council must adhere to the same laws, rules, regulations and guidelines as Build 2 Leads Executive Board. This means members of the community council can not publicly endorse and or campaign for any political candidate or political party under the role as a community council member. You can feel free to support your causes during your own time and under a different position. Religious campaigns, protest, or anything of that nature must not be done under the I'm realm of the community council. Build 2 Lead believes in community, communities connection to religion, and acknowledges the various faiths and religions within our communities. In order to show solidarity with all of our various community members racial/cultural and religious backgrounds we ask that our members refrain from any conversations or acts that highlight or insinuate one belief/religion is better than the other. We understand community work can be spiritual and we want to create a safe space that allows for people to use this feeling to create passionate people centered solutions for OUR communities.
The community council will have two positions. One will be a “General Member” and one will be a “Leadership Member.” Leadership positions will be comprised of 2 chairs, 2 vice-chairs, 1 recorder/Secretary, and 1 community navigator. These positions each have their own roles and responsibilities which will be presented at our welcome/orientation later in Spring of 2024. The community council will operate like a non-profit board and will be governed through Roberts rules of order and a voting structure. We ask that “General Members” commit at least one year to our project and that “Leadership Members” commit at least two years. If you are unable to commit the full term we will ask that you help us advocate for a replacement. If you have an emergency removal due to an unforeseen circumstance we will work to find your replacement. We ask that members who are no longer able to commit provide us with 3-4 weeks notice so we can begin advertising the open position in community and in our newsletter.
Cause for Removal:
We would love to keep all of our members but have non-negotiable’s that will force us to remove members of our council. Members will be removed for the following actions/behaviors:
- Using hate speech/language.
- Verbally or Physically abusing a member of the council.
- Creating false attendance reports or false narratives around engagement efforts in order to receive the monthly financial incentive.
- Violating our “Political and Religious” disclaimer.
- Missing three or more monthly meetings.
- Sharing the P.O.W.E.R council projects tools, designs, or anything considered to be the intellectual property of the project with community members, other organizations, or institutions without the consent or direction of Build 2 Lead and our partners.