Youth Executive Committee (Y.E.C.)
|Various Locations
Students enrolled in Civic Champions or other Build 2 Lead programs can apply to be part of the program Y.E.C. Students take on leadership roles within the community to advocate for social justice and restorative practices within our community schools. Minimum 1 year commitment.

Time & Location
Various Locations
About the event
The Youth Executive Committee or Y.E.C. is formed to scale youth voice, create solutions to barriers youth and young adults face in the systems of education, criminal justice, and healthcare. The Youth Executive Committee will be comprised of BIPOC students in the areas of South and Greater King County. The Y.E.C. will be trained on advocacy in systems, surveyed on their experiences within the systems, and introduced to networks of community-based providers who specialize in civic engagement and policy development. Incentives: As a member of the Y.E.C youth will be incentivized for their participation. Incentives include: - $125 per month (Total of 6-8 months per session). - Community Service Hours. - FREE access to all future Build 2 Lead events and fundraisers. - Introduction to a network of professionals, civic leaders, and community leaders. Voting: The Y.E.C. will be a committee that has the power to vote on specific topics, task, processes, and issues. Build 2 Lead staff will only have the role as supervisors, guides, and facilitators. ONLY the Y.E.C. will have the power to vote. The Y.E.C. can have up to 6 voting members. Commitment: As a member of Y.E.C. we ask that you commit to serving with us for at least 1-year. Although, you aren't required to stay the full term, we want to make sure we have committed youth who are passionate about civic engagement and building solutions. We will be holding monthly meetings for a minimum of 2.0 hrs. Meetings will be virtual due to the various locations of our participants. We will have some in-person meetings, but will vote on the frequency (for example every 3 months or twice a year). Selection Process: Once we receive your application we will review and those selected will receive an email to join our welcome/orientation session for the new Y.E.C. Members. Final selection will end no later than 30-days after we receive the final application.